Apple Bees Menu Prices Are A Bargain!

Well soon the 2010 NFL football season will be kicking off.  Once again the Apple Bees menu prices will be holding their own, and allowing any one person or family of six like mine, to make the most of a Sunday lunch or early dinner, and watch a multitude of NFL games in the process.

Gift cards make any restaurant bill lighter on the old wallet, and I can offer you a chance to get a $500.00 gift card of many of your favorite restaurants, to include the following:  Red Lobster, The Olive Garden, Hooters, and many more.  Next, just get your gift card!

Families everywhere enjoy the taste of the meals that are prepared for you right off the Apple Bees menu, and although they have one of the best all around menus with many items for the pickiest eater to pick from, their prices are such that many of these dishes are just not worth trying to make them at home for the same price or lesser price.  Let’s face it, a burger is a burger, right?  No not right!  This restaurant has some of the most incredible hamburgers that you will ever taste.  Take it from me, I love a good burger, and whether you  like your burger with hickory bacon, barbecue sauce, or any other tasty items, I challenge you to try to build a tastier burger, like you can off of the Apple bees menu.  I challenge you to find a burger cheaper, than theirs as well.  If you find it, write me and I will post your posting and stand corrected.  But if you don’t, then let me hear about it as well.

If you need coupons or money to help you with your eating out expenses, their is help out there and it comes in many different forms.  One of those forms is the gift card.  You can always try to win one with your input.  If you have the time and need I recommend this way.  If you fall into this category and I do not know too many people that cannot use a $500.00 gift card, then next, you should try to obtain one for yourself and your family.  Get yours next…

Now Try… The Apple Bees Menu

The Apple Bees menu, making dining fun for the whole family, building bonds, and making an inexpensive night out taste expensive. What more could one ask for when you need a quality meal?

OK, you already know that I love the place, now I must go into detail as to why. For many, many years I always wanted to try the Applebee’s restaurant. It always stuck out in mind, perhaps because I love apples. One day I was fortunate enough to get an Apple bee’s gift card for Christmas and my family and I went to try the place out. The service was quick and great, and the food was special. You might think, what and how special, they serve burgers and chicken like anyplace else. Well, that is true. I just happened to like the fact that they take the time to do the little things, like open the door for you and your family. That might not seem like much, but it does go far when you are thinking that you are welcomed or they want you inside. I must admit it does feel good and it was a big thing for me. 

The atmosphere here, coupled with the Apple Bees menu, does lend itself to a more youthful crowd, hey they have to change with the times. Big screen TVs, and a bit of sports grill bar in there does not hurt. In fact, when my kids are acting goofy, sometimes the TV is what calms them down, when nothing else will. The decor is also a mixture of sports and the times when America was OK, and the steam roller was full speed ahead. All around just a feel good, comfortable atmosphere. There are many times, when you might visit a restaurant and get a meal that might not be to your liking. I can say with complete conviction, that this has never occurred to me or anyone in my family at this restaurant. I am sure that someone out there will disagree, but if your are reading these pages, then it is clear that you either want to try the Apple Bees menu, or you are a fan of the restaurant. If you are not completely sold on the restaurant, try it with the Apple Bees coupons, and maybe that will give you the edge you need, to get up and go eat good.

Apple Bees Coupons – Who Needs Them?

Who needs Apple Bees coupons with their current pricing and specials?  Sure coupons always come in handy but with the Apple Bees menu, I am here to advise you that you should not put off a trip to this incredible American restaurant for a lack there of.  If you want a gift card for some of the best restaurants around, look no further.  Next, is just that option for you!

Why Apple Bees?  Well for one, this great restaurant always has the freshest food, whether your vice is a juicy burger, or a lite-caloric plate, they have it all here.  The 2 for $20.00 is one of the more affordable deals out there in restaurant land.  These deals vary from state to state, but you be assured that your state’s deal will include one of the following in the special.  Burgers, Steaks, Salads, Chicken plate, Ribs, and much, much more.  In addition, these offers include an appetizer as well for the 2 for $20.00 deal.  Appetizers include such favorites like chips and salsa, chips and spinach dip, mozzarella sticks, and many of their award winning wings.

Don’t get me wrong, the Apple Bees coupon is out there and I do use them, regardless of the special prices on their menus.  In fact, the more recent one was mailed to me and was very similar to the Apple Bees coupon pictured above.  Please do “NOT” print and try to use this coupon!  I only scan them once they have expired, and further more this coupon in particular has been expired since March 2010.  There are many ways to experience a great dining event and one of the ways is savings, but do not limit yourself to be a coupon holding customer.  I visit the local Apple Bees in my neighborhood frequently, like three times a month.  The Apple Bees menu is a hit with my kids, and they love the sports bar look.  They get to watch some sports just about anytime we go during the weekend, so coupons or  not, I take advantage of the pricing.  After all, it is very affordable and the food is first rate.  Try one of these many fine restaurant today!